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D1SR Director of Auxiliary Banner
OTO Advisory Notice Headline

I am excited for our operational season and plan to get underway with your crews in the weeks ahead. Safety is our primary goal. Bluntly, I ask you look out for one another, identify and mitigate risks, and ensure strict adherence to our operational guidelines and policies. We have new OIA’s this year and they will undoubtedly have questions…please help guide them! DIRAUX has provided training during DTRAIN and Surface Operations Briefings to help safeguard surface operations throughout our boating season.

We have a few items that need to addressed at the front end of this operating season. Please coordinate with your Division Commanders and Coxswains/QEs to ensure operations fall within policy.

  1. Patrol Orders exceeding Total Patrol Duration fatigue limitations (established at 8 hours) will be canceled. Repeat offenses will result in suspension of certification. This is not new policy; it was established in 2018. Please educate your boat crews to safely operate within these guidelines (see below). 
  2. PPE-Float Coats are not a substitute for Anti-Exposure Coveralls.
  3. Sub-Surface operations are not permitted activities by USCG/USCG Aux. Shoaling concerns shall be directed to your local ATON Officer to coordinate USACE/NOAA assistance.



 A.2.a. Operational Limits The Director of the Auxiliary is responsible for establishing facility operating limitation standards in coordination with the Operational Commander. Auxiliary facilities shall be considered non-standard boats when establishing operational limitations. Order issuing authorities, including unit commanders, shall carefully consider the operational capability of each surface vessel and its assigned crew when planning missions and issuing orders. The operator (or owner) of an Auxiliary facility shall abort a mission in the event they become apprehensive or aware of a situation (mission technicality, crew proficiency, weather, etc.) that could jeopardize the safety of the crew or vessel, regardless of the vessel’s operational limitations.

Evidence has shown that a high percentage of mishaps are due to prolonged operations and fatigue. As fatigue adversely affects operational capability and safety, it is necessary to establish reasonable boat crew utilization criteria through the use of mandatory boat crew mission hour limits. In this Section This section contains the following information: Title Page Fatigue Personnel 10-40 Crew Endurance Management (CEM) 10-40 Underway (Fatigue) Hours 10-41 Underway Time Computation 10-41 Crew Fatigue Time Computation 10-41 Maximum Underway (Fatigue) Hours 10-42 Fatigue Status 10-43 Fatigue Waivers 10-43 Hours of Crew Rest 10-43 Sufficient Rest-Recovery Time 10-43 L.1. Fatigue Personnel Fatigued personnel may not realize when their physical or mental state is compromised. A fatigued boat crew is physically and mentally unprepared for the rigors of a mission or to safely manage an underway emergency. They exhibit decreased coordination, a narrowed attention span, and a lower standard of performance. This leads to judgment errors in boat handling, seamanship, and mission related decisions. In addition, they show a decreased concern for safety and a willingness to “cut corners.” L.2. Crew Endurance Management (CEM) Crew Endurance Management (CEM) can be used to control fatigue - related decrements in safety and performance. CEM is based on operational experience, analysis of boat crew missions, and a wealth of information derived from a variety of studies on the effects of shift work on human performance.

L.3. Underway (Fatigue) Hours Table 10-3 establishes maximum underway(fatigue) hours for Auxiliary boat crew members. These totals may be an accumulation of several missions (SAR, TRA, MS, etc.) over a 24-hour period. Underway (fatigue) hour limits are established to ensure that all Auxiliary boat crew members are not operating the boat, performing boat crew duties, or trailering in a fatigued status that might impair their judgment or subdue their motor skills during normal or emergency mission requirements. L.4. Underway Time Computation Underway time, not to be confused with crew fatigue time computation, begins when the facility gets underway. Underway time ends when the facility is moored, and the mission is complete. Time spent underway or at anchor will count as 100% for underway time and accumulated crew fatigue time. Pre and post‐mission activities, temporary mooring for breaks and meals, are considered standby time and do not count towards underway time computation. L.5. Crew Fatigue Time Computation Crew fatigue time includes and is the total cumulative of:

(01) Underway time and anchored time (100%) (02) Pre and post‐mission activities (Codes 01D) (50%), (03) Stops and breaks during an ordered patrol mission (Codes 01D) (50%), (04) Trailering (Code 01B) (50%), (05) Stand-by time (Codes 01D and 23A) (50%) Crew fatigue time computation begins when the crew member reports to the designated place to prepare for a specific mission. Computation of such time ends when the mission is complete. L.5.a Trailering hours Trailering hours (Code 01B) start when a crew member begins towing a boat or any type of Auxiliary facility to a launch site (boat ramp, marina, or designated location) and ends when the crew member towing a boat, or any type of Auxiliary facility has secured at its final destination (storage location) and the patrol order is complete. Trailering hours apply to the driver of the towing vehicle only.

 L6 Max Underway Hours Chart 

L5 Crew Fatigue Time


L.5.b Standby Activities Time spent on standby status (Codes 01D and 23A) is computed at 50% towards total crew fatigue time. Standby time (01D and/or 23A) must be entered in AUXDATA II Patrol Order itinerary by the operator to account for crew fatigue. Itineraries with no standby time must be returned by the OIA to the operator for correction. L.6. Maximum Underway (Fatigue) Hours Unit Commanders and OIAs shall comply with the policies set forth in this chapter. Boat Size Maximum Underway(Fatigue) Hours (within a 24-hour period) Rest Hours Required Seas < 4 FT Seas > 4 FT Heavy WX 30 FT and above 8 6 N/A 8 Less Than 30 FT 8 0 N/A 8 PWC (Note 1) 6 N/A N/A 1 Trailering 350 miles(total) or 8 hours (Note 2)(Note 3) 8 Table 10-3 Underway Limits Note 1: PWCs may not be operated in seas greater than 3 feet. PWC patrols may operate for a maximum of 6 hours during any 24-hour period. A mandatory 1-hour off-the-water rest is required after 3 hours of PWC operations. See Reference (l) for operational limitations. Note 2: Trailering hours shall be counted towards crew fatigue limitations for boat crews. (For fatigue standards, 1 hour of trailering counts as 30 minutes towards crew fatigue time computation.). Note 3: Trailering for any Auxiliary activity under orders shall not exceed 350 miles (total) or 8 hours in a 24-hour period.

*Advisory Notice 1 Posted 2024 May 24th


Requesting all PPE entered into Aux Data II no later than 01Jun2024. Patrol Orders submitted after 01Jun showing certified crews in RED or no associated PPE will not be processed. 

  1. This will include ISSUANCE and INSPECTIONS. Please be sure to enter all equipment individually (SAR Vest, PLB, TYPE III, Float Coat and Anti-Exposure Coverall). Aux Data II PPE Managers & Inspectors Group provides links and files to assist this process.

  2. PLB Registration: Please follow newest registration guidance on Maintenance Procedure Card. Currently registered PLBs will NOT have to be registered until next renewal date.

    1. (1.c) For Owner/Operator information use the following:
      1. USCGAUX D1SR (Member Number)
      2. Mailing Address: 1 South Street New York, NY 10004
      3. iii. Telephone Number: (617) 680-7850
    2. (1.d)

Register PLB Guide

 PLB Monthly Tracking Record Sheet

PPE Managers Guide - How to Enter PPE Guide 

* Advisory Notice 2 Posted 2024 May 29


Please see the below Best Practices concerning fueling, new PFD Set-up, and PPE Records in ADII. Also attached are notes of interest for Boat Owners/Coxswains. Please disseminate to all operators/crews.

A. Fueling

    1. Fuel receipts will be required (moving forward) for any amount.
    2. If it is not practical to refuel between patrols, then submit the completed patrol order receipt with an explanation to include previous patrol order numbers/dates covered under total fuel usage in the comments section of AUXDATA II, not to exceed more than three total patrols.
    3. Fuel additives: Bulk purchases of fuel additives that are used for more than one patrol should be broken down per patrol. Include the original receipt, but only claim the estimated $$ amount fuel additive/2 cycle oil used that specific patrol.
    4. Engine Oil is a non-reimbursable item (covered under SAMA).

B.  Authorized PFD Set-up (optional for non-SAR Vest usage)

    1. BSX has authorized the below Type III PFD set up. This set-up will augment the need for the SAR Vest. SAR Vest must be worn if wearing Float Coat or Anti-Exposure Coveralls.
      1. Survival Knife (#358) can be affixed to the straps on the Type III PFD (as shown below).
        1. Recommend Right-Handed Dominant Personnel, affix on left side and Left-Handed Personnel affix to right side for a cross draw use of tool.
      2. Whistle, Mirror, PLB, and Strobe shall be attached to PFD in accordance with MPC Card KB0065.0 TYPE III PFD.

 CG PDF with Knife

Survival Equipment Notice

C.  Required PPE in Aux Data II

L2 Leadership Link Logo 

The digest of US Coast Guard Auxiliary activity

To: All Auxiliarists

Dated: 25 June 2024

Good day All, 

CG-BSX-12 is working with the District Operations Training Officers (OTO’s) on updating and correcting members' Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) recorded in AUXDATA II. The Office of Boat Forces (CG-731) establishes the policy and authorizes what PPE gear is issued to all Active Duty, Reserves, and Auxiliary for surface operations. CG-731 also establishes when and how PPE gear must be maintained in accordance with the applicable Maintenance Procedure Card (MPC). In order to release the new PPE functions in AUXDATA II, we are requesting that the current PPE issued to members be aligned with the correct makes and models and updated in the members' PPE records. For example: the ONLY authorized Anti-Exposure Coverall (AEC) Make/Model is Mustang/MS2175v34, but AUXDATA II shows the member is issued an AEC with Make/Model as Mustang/MD3183v34. This is actually the Inflatable Lifejacket not the AEC and must be corrected.

OTO’s have been, and will be, working with select Auxiliary Rescue and Survival Systems managers to help update members' PPE records and ensure the authorized PPE gear is issued and documented properly in AUXDATA II. If you are contacted about what PPE gear you have and the Make/Model of the PPE, please do not hesitate to provide and/or update the information requested.

In accordance with CG-731 policy, if PPE is not properly documented, issued, and maintained in accordance with applicable MPC, the PPE shall not be used, and the member may not get underway with that piece of PPE across all Active Duty, Reserves, and Auxiliary. This policy is strictly enforced on the Active Duty/Reserve side. PPE documentation, issuance, and maintenance are reviewed and enforced by a third-party entity every two and three years. This same standard is not being enforced on the Auxiliary side of the house. Auxiliary members are performing the same missions on the same waters as the Active Duty with a different standard when it comes to safety. BSX and OTO’s are working to correct this. SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT.

We need to make sure that authorized PPE gear issued to our members is properly recorded in AUXDATA II and that PPE gear is meeting all maintenance policies and requirements prior to each underway activity. This is a TEAM effort, and we are asking members to please provide PPE information when asked, and ensure your PPE is properly documented in AUXDATA II and the maintenance requirements have not exceeded policy. BOTH CAN HAVE IMPACTS ON RECEIVING ORDERS.

We are also requesting members who are no longer certified for surface operations and do not intend to recertify, to please return all Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliary issued gear to their local flotilla.  Local flotillas that receive PPE, please work with your Chain of Leadership and Manafement (COLM) to return that gear to the District OTO.  Coast Guard procured and issued PPE gear is government property. Personally purchased PPE is not required to be turned in. 

Any questions with regard to this message should be directed to your District OTO through the COLM.

Auxiliary Operations Management Branch, Coast Guard Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety 

Notes of Interest for Coxswains and Boat Owners 



*Advisory Notice 3  Posted 2024 Jun 27

Please see the below Best Practices concerning Patrol Order Year Close-Out, PPE requirements, Passengers, AVs, and OGA Two-Boat Training. Also attached is the D1SR PPE Request Form. Please disseminate to all operators/crews/AVs/VEs.

1. FY24 Patrol Order Close-out  - OIA’s must have all FY24 Patrol Requests that are currently in a “REQUESTED” status, either “APPROVED or DENIED”, no later than 11 September 2024. Patrol Requests not already in AUXDATA II, for patrol dates between 11 September and 30 September 2024, must be “APPROVED” prior to 11 September 2024. Any Patrol Requests received by the OIA after 11 September 2024 may be “APPROVED” on a case-by-case basis. No PO’s are authorized to be requested in ADII with a patrol date starting on or after 01 Oct 2024 until further guidance from CG-BSX. Please advise any Auxiliary members trying to “Request” any PO dated on or after 01Oct2024 the PO will receive an error message in AUXDATA II.

2. Trainee PPE - Ready Service PPE may be assigned a unit-generated serial number (i.e. AUXFAC number). Ready Service PPE is a stockpile of shared gear and equipment that can be used by personnel/trainees who do not frequently wear the items until certified. All gear placed in service that is maintained as ready service PPE shall be labeled with a unit-generated serial number and be entered in AUXDATA II. Ready service PPE is not intended to take the place of or replace the requirements for issuing individual PPE. Comments required: please include Ready Service PPE unit-generated number that the Trainee used while underway in Comments sections or Chatter of AUXDATA II .

3. Non-operational PPE Returns - DIRAUX will collect issued PPE from Auxiliary personnel who have not been operational for a two-year period.

4. PPE Request Form - All individual PPE will be requested using the attached PPE Request Form. Bulk PLB requests may be submitted, but will include names, position (Coxn, Crew, or PWO), and status (current/REYR/Trainee). Once issued, gear shall be inspected IAW appropriate MPC and logged into Aux Data II by your Division PPE Manager.

5. PLB Registration – Please be sure to include the following during the registration:

d. Enter the owner/operator information.
Please use [email protected]

e. 5 Enter the following in the “Additional Information/Data”

(a) Member’s fill name and member number.

(b) Member’s cell number and home phone number.

(c) Facility owners: location where ethe facility is moored or trailered.

(d) Location of the facility when not use or when in storage.

(When not in use, store PPE in a dry and secured location)

Register PLB Electronically 

6. Scheduled Mission Passengers - Passengers shall be listed in the Comments section Aux Data II, not in the crew position tab.

7. Aid Verifiers - certified AV’s can fill any Boat Crew position (if currently certified boat-crew/coxswain). This was based on not restricting the ability of completing the mission because lack of certified Boat Crew to perform the AV mission. An AV can fill a boat crew position; ensure mission activity codes reflect position.

8. Two-Boat Training w/ Other Government Agencies (Local Fire, PD, Bay Constable) - In the Comments section of Aux Data II, include Agency Name & Hull Number.  Prior to training with unfamiliar OGAs, conduct thorough safety briefings to evaluate appropriate vessel condition/length, equipment, crew size/training/experience, and to ensure OGA has a liability plan. MOUs are not required.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns @ [email protected].


CWO4 Jason Grimm


D1SR PPE Request Form

*Advisory Notice 4 Posted 2024 Aug 06 

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