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 DSO-AV JOHN DEFEO District 13

D13 Auxiliary Aviation Program 

District 13 has an active Auxiliary Air Operations (AUXAIR) program. Because aircraft can cover large geographical areas quickly and to insure a consistent level of safety, AUXAIR is organized at the District level rather than on a Flotilla and Division basis.

For general information on the AUXAIR program, we invite you to look at the National Response Department Aviation Division web site. The D13 AUXAIR program follows all applicable National regulations, instructions and guidance.

You will find many of the documents related to AuxAir on the National Response Department Manuals, Documents, and Procedures web page. 

If you are interested in joining the AUXAIR program, we invite you to look at the National Response Dept. documents pages for guides to becoming qualified as an aviator.

Contact the DSO-AV if you desire to participate in this program.

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