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Fostering a discrimination-free and harassment-free environment.

 Our intent is to inform all members of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Ninth Coast Guard District, Eastern Region, of their civil rights and the procedures to resolve issues of a civil rights matter informally at the lowest level of the Auxiliary.

It is essential that all members respect the Civil rights of our fellow shipmates; therefore, the integrity of all claims of discrimination and sexual harassment must be pursued by the Auxiliarist until a resolution, insuring an environment free from discrimination and sexual harassment.

Every member of Team Coast Guard deserves to be treated with honor, dignity, respect; and to have a work environment free of discrimination, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability.

All Coast Guard personnel have the right to equal opportunity in seeking career opportunities, and to work in an environment free of discrimination and harassment.

When violations of policies regarding discrimination and harassment occur, Coast Guard personnel also have the right to seek timely and fair resolution of their concerns or complaints, and the right to be protected from reprisal for seeking redress.
It is incumbent on all personnel to take these rights seriously, and for supervisors, managers and unit commanders to afford maximum opportunity for individuals who feel their rights have been violated to pursue remedies allowed by law, regulation or policy without threat of sanction or reprisal.