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Awards Program Manager: COMO Dean Wimer
The Auxiliary award system is the only way our members are compensated for their dedication to the U.S. Coast Guard, Auxiliary and our nation. All too often, their efforts go unrecognized simply due to the fact that no one appropriately nominated them for the appropriate level of recognition.
Recognition should be given more often and hopefully this formalized D13 program will encourage the process.
Helpful Links and Info
Very Brief Summary of the D13 Awards Guidance
The Auxiliary Manual Chapter 11 is ALL ABOUT Awards!
Power Point Presentation on Auxiliary Awards and Metals
The following awards do not need a nomination and are given based on hours, specific missions or completed training/certification. However, it falls on the Flotilla Commanders to make sure these awards have been given with appropriate tracking.
- Auxiliary Membership Ribbon
- Auxiliary Sustained Service Award
- Vessel Examiner Program Ribbon
- Instructor Program Ribbon
- Visitor Program Ribbon
- RBS Device
- Specialty Training Ribbon
For ribbon priority placement, see ribbon checker.