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The Auxiliary Leadership and Management School (AUXLAMS) [AUX-02] is the Coast Guard Leadership and Management School (LAMS) course, adapted for the volunteer Auxiliary environment, and is taught by Coast Guard trained instructors. It is based on the Leadership Competencies, which lay the foundation for all leadership skills necessary to successful leadership in the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary. This is a facilitated and interactive course dealing with Self Awareness, Motivation, Strategic Leadership, Team Building, Ethics, Conflict Management and Performance Problem Solving. AUXLAMS is the foundation course of the Auxiliary Leadership Continuum.

The course is taught in 2 ½ day sessions at district locations, 3 to 5 weeks apart [AUX-02A & AUX-02B], arranged by the respective host POCs. Elected leaders at all levels of the organization should take this course and will be given top priority. However, Auxiliary personnel interested in becoming leaders are eligible for this course as long as the class size does not exceed 35 students.

Auxiliarists are required to successfully complete a minimum of seven (7) credits from three categories of courses to receive the AUXOP qualification. The list of courses in the leadership category includes AUXLAMSAUXLAMS is also a prerequisite for Flotilla Commanders (FC) to attend the Auxiliary Mid-Level Officer Course (AUX-05A).

AUXLAMS received a favorable review by the Accreditation Council on Education (ACE) and has been recommended for 3 upper-division undergraduate college credits. This is the first Auxiliary course to be reviewed by ACE and the only one with a college credit recommendation. Many professional associations and state licensure agencies accept this course toward required professional development / continuing education.

Because of the college credit recommendation students must complete the entire course within a 3 – 5 week time frame. Students who have taken either A or B in the past are still invited to complete the course this FY in order to meet the credit requirement.

To access the Auxiliary Leadership & Management School student support site click here.