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Attaining the active duty grooming and appearance standards should always be held as the goal for all Auxiliary members wearing the Coast Guard uniform. The following standards may conflict with civilian practices, as they are service-particular and require adherence by all Auxiliarist.

Those who choose not to set this example, or wish to express a degree of individuality, shall wear the Auxiliary Blue Blazer outfit in lieu of the uniform.

In keeping with the true spirit of an organization of volunteers, the possession and wear of the Auxiliary uniform by Auxiliarists should be a matter of personal pride. When in uniform, the Auxiliarist is a representative of the Department of Homeland Security, the Coast Guard, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and the U.S. Government. Appearance, uniform fit, and grooming shall reflect the pride of that representation.

Elected and appointed leaders are expected to wear the uniform properly to set an example. They should help other Auxiliarists develop proper habits of personal appearance, hygiene, and grooming when wearing the uniform. Uniforms shall be pressed, clean, fit properly, and be in good repair.


Members in uniform may wear personal display items such as bracelets, necklaces, wrist watches, ID bracelets and rings. If visible while in uniform, these items must be conservative, non-controversial, and in good taste. There shall be no more than two rings on each hand. Eccentricities in color and manner of wear (for example, rings on every finger) shall not be worn when in uniform. Necklaces and neck chains must not be visible when wearing the uniform.

In uniform, men are prohibited from wearing earrings. Women may wear one pair of gold, silver, or pearl earrings which should be small (maximum 1/4 inch) and of the round ball style. women may wear diamond stud earrings (maximum 1/4 inch) with the Dinner Dress uniforms. Dangling and hoop earrings are prohibited while in uniform. No articles, jewelry or studs other than those specified for women shall be through or attached to the ear, nose, tongue, or any other visible body part while in uniform.

Suspenders may be worn under coats and jackets, which prevent the suspenders from being exposed.

Many articles should not be worn or carried exposed on the uniform. These articles include pencils, pens, watch chains or fobs, pins, handkerchiefs, combs, cigarettes, cigars, pipes and similar items.

An umbrella is authorized with all Auxiliary uniforms. It must be of the type which folds into a small unit and fits in a briefcase or can be carried compactly in hand. The umbrella shall be black, unadorned and with a straight handle.


Hair coloring should be only natural, basic colors.

Men's hair should be trimmed, neat and must not touch the shirt collar.

Faces should be cleanly shaven, except if beards and mustaches are worn.

If worn, beards should be trimmed neatly. Beards and mustaches must not interfere with the operation of safety/survival gear.

Women's hair should be neatly coiffed and must not touch the shirt collar. A ponytail, if worn, must be one strand and must not touch the collar or obstruct proper seating of Cover on head. Bangs must not touch eyebrows.

Women's cosmetics shall be of conservative color and be worn in good taste. Eccentricities in color and manner of wear shall not be worn while in uniform.

Men and women shall keep their nails clean. Women may wear nail polish, but the color shall be conservative and neutral in color. Decorative nail art is not authorized while in uniform.