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General Information About the Auxiliary
WHO WE ARE: The Coast Guard's philosophy is to be SEMPER PARATUS (ALWAYS READY) against all threats and hazards. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is an integral part of that philosophy, and the Coast Guard forces. We conduct safety patrols on local waterways, assist the Coast Guard with homeland security duties, teach boating safety classes, conduct free vessel safety checks for the public, and many other activities. The Auxiliary has members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.
OUR MISSION: To minimize loss of life, personal injury, property damage, and environmental impact associated with the use of recreational boats, through preventive means, in order to maximize the safe use and enjoyment of U.S. waterways by the public.
RECREATIONAL BOATING SAFETY: One of the Auxiliary's primary missions is recreational boating safety. This mission is accomplished by qualified members delivering Public Safety Boating Education training and classes, providing voluntary, free vessel safety checks to boaters, visiting with and educating local marine related businesses, and by general outreach to the boating public through boat shows and other public venues and events.
OPERATIONS AND MARINE SAFETY: For those interested in boating, the Auxiliary offers a rigorous curriculum of hands-on training leading to qualification as a boat crew member or coxswain. Qualified Auxiliarists perform regular safety patrol missions in their local area and support local boating activities on the water, such as regattas, fireworks displays, and fleet visits. Additionally, the Auxiliary works side by side with their active-duty Coast Guard counterparts in many other mission areas, including environmental protection, Commercial Vessel Safety Inspections, Port Security and Planning, Licensing and Documentation, and other vital operational roles. Auxiliarists receive training that is virtually identical to that of their active-duty and reserve counterparts.
MISSION SUPPORT: The Auxiliary needs people with leadership, administrative, and technical skills, such as website design, computer server administration, graphic design, photography, videography, communications, public relations/affairs, instruction and instructional design, and personnel services, to support Auxiliarists involved in the recreational boating safety and operations and marine safety missions.
EDUCATION: Auxiliarists also conduct external public education courses and internal Auxiliarist training courses. Our most common external course is Introduction to Boating Safety. This beginners boating class will give you the knowledge needed to obtain a boating license or safety certification in many states. Many insurance companies will offer discounts on boat insurance for those who have successfully completed this course. Internally, an Auxiliarist has many opportunities to expand their knowledge of boating, with courses ranging from Navigation Rules to Chart Plotting, to provide them with a lifetime of boating knowledge.