Return to Flotilla 4-4's Home Page.
The links and information contained in this section may include phone numbers, email addresses, or other information not available to the general public.
- The Flotilla Documents sub-page contains links to the flotilla governance documents and past meeting minutes.
- The Flotilla Lucky Bag sub-page contains a listing of surplus Auxiliary uniform items available to members.
- The Procedures Guide will open a copy of the Auxiliary Flotilla Procedures Guide. This 223-page document contains job descriptions for all flotilla officers, etiquette guidelines, governance guidelines, etc. In short it is "the bible" of flotilla governance.
- The Qualifications sub-page contains links on how to qualify for Auxiliary positions like Boat Crew, Vessel Examiner, etc. The same page also gives information on how to get out of REYR or REWK status, get ICS courses entered into your record, links for new members and links to Auxiliary training sites.
- The Resources sub-page contains links to resources to help members in Materials, Operations, and Vessel Exams.
- Uniforms links to National's page on Auxiliary uniforms, where you will find comprehensive information on different types of funiforms, how to properly wear them, grooming standards, order of ribbon precedence and procurement sources..