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Meeting Location: BADIN LAKE RV RESORT
Meeting Time: 4th SATURDAY EACH M of each month, at 0900 hours.
Contact Phone: 336-207-1357

FC 1237623 AX Brad Simpson [email protected] (336) 207-1357 (336) 207-1357

VFC 3009660 BQ Mike Mize [email protected] (336) 953-8383

IPFC 3009847 AX Don Murray [email protected] (336) 963-7543 (336) 629-5405

FSO-CM 3001977 BQ Topp Pettigrew [email protected] (240) 557-9471 (336) 619-4040

FSO-AS 3009847 AX Don Murry [email protected] (336) 963-7543 (336) 629-5405

FSO-CS 1247953 AX Chris Parrish [email protected] (336) 707-3878  

FSO-FN 1226901 BQ Mike Bales [email protected] (910) 977-5485

FSO-HR 3001977 BQ Topp Pettigrew [email protected] (240) 557-9471 (336) 619-4040

FSO-IS 1237623 AX Brad Simpson [email protected] (336) 207-1357 (336) 207-1357

FSO-MA 3003869 BQ Tom Earnhardt [email protected] (704) 791-6200 (704) 791-6200

FSO-MS 3000783 BQ Jim Monroe[email protected] (980) 721-5893

FSO-MT 3009660 BQ Mike Mize[email protected] (336) 953-8383

FSO-NS 3009847 AX Don Murray [email protected] (336) 963-7543 (336) 629-5405

FSO-OP 3003869 BQ Tom Earnhardt [email protected] (704) 791-6200 (704) 791-6200

FSO-PA 1237623 AX Brad Simpson [email protected] (336) 207-1357 (336) 207-1357

FSO-PB 1249766 BQ Eric Calloway [email protected] (704) 915-0696 (704) 915-0696

FSO-PE 1247953 AX Chris Parrish [email protected] (336) 707-3878

FSO-PV 3003869 BQ Tom Earnhardt [email protected] (704) 791-6200 (704) 791-6200

FSO-SR 1237623 AX Brad Simpson [email protected] (336) 207-1357 (336) 207-1357

FSO-VE 1243319 AX Jim Cortes [email protected] (336) 906-1482 (336) 906-1482