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Please update your contact information in AUXOFFICER   This will assure that you receive timely information the way you want it delivered to you.  Need help? Contact your FSO-IS. 

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Flotilla 5-1 NEWSLETTER
Auxiliary Forms:

Coast Guard Auxiliary National Form Site

1st District Northern Region Forms

Electronic Forms (E-Forms) for Auxiliary Staff 

E-Learning (Learning on line) lets members advance their knowledge on their own schedule

The classroom training for many Auxiliary qualifications is provided on-line.  Members can enroll, take a course and test their competency at their computer.  A Member ID will be required to record successful completion in AUX-DATA. In many cases, additional field training under the supervision of a qualified Auxiliarist  will also be required to complete the qualification.

Helpful links to Auxiliary qualification requirements and E-Learning courses:

The following links are to the F.E.M.A. mandated training:

Members Deck 1st District Northern Region:  Members Information