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The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla-45 meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month @ 1900 hrs (7:00 PM)
During COVID-19 Lockdown we were conducting all meetings by remote. We are now having hybrid meetings, both in person and via Zoom. If you are interested in joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary and would like to join us for a meeting please email our Flotilla Commander at the following address and FC MIller will send you the link to our on-line meeting.
Online Meeting Request Email: [email protected]
Normal Meeting Location:
Bremerton Yacht Club, 2700 Yacht Haven Way N.W., Bremerton, Washington 98312-2001
[Position: Lat/47°35'18"N Long/122°39'48"W]
Guest are always welcome! Come down and join us for a meeting.