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USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 72 Monthly Meeting Minutes 

Click on the ► to the left of the heading to read the meeting minutes.  

Flotilla 72 November 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

The Hub Maritime Defense Center


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☐ CS ☒ HR ☒ MS ☐ OP ☒ PE ☒ VE ☒
VFC ☒ CA ☐ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☒
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☒ MA ☐ NS ☒ PB ☐ SR ☐

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

DCAP Dan Helou, DCDR Dean Hoskin, VDCDR Tony Hooper, Guest Sydney Tritshker.

SECTION III Minutes of last meeting 10/24




☑ Approved

☐ Not Approved

The October Secretary Report was not on the website yet so was not approved or discussed.
The reports for June, August, September 2024 were approved.

SECTION IV Financial Report (06 / 2024)

Discussed ☑ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☑
Brief discussion by the FSO-FN on the financial standing of the Flotilla

SECTION V Old Business

No Old Business.

SECTION VI New Business

Elections were held. VDCDR Hooper conducted the Elections. For FC only one candidate Cathy Campbell-Heroux.
A voice vote was take and a unanimous conclusion. FC Elected.
For VFC there are two candidates Martin Jordan & Sean Buckmaster.
DVCDR Hooper conducted a ballot vote with all eligable members casting votes.
The votes were tallied and Martin Jordan was elected VFC. Congratulations to both newly elected Officers.

SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

Guest Speaker was Lauren Bell Manager of The HUB. A very interesting talk about the tenants and what the do at the facility.

SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

DCAP Helou & DCDR Hoskin presented certificates and the coveted Challenge Coins for fours members becoming BQ within 30 days of becoming a member.
Discussion held regarding available uniforms at the Flotilla and anyone needing uniforms please contact the VFC.
Sean Buckmaster brought up an event called The Asian Market and help is requested holding watch at our booth.
A end of year MT & IS report was given by Martin Jordan. The statistics were so encouraging and shows the work being done by the members of F-72. A big BZ was given.
Discussion held of looking for a place to hold our BS&S classes. This will be on going.
Discussion was held regarding volunteers needed to assist veterans at the VA.
Discussion was held regarding our Annual Christmas Party. It will be held at the HUB on Thurs Dec 5th at 1900 hrs.
It will be a light finger food event. It is requested that members bring plates of sliders, charcuterie boards, veggie plates, crock pots and light deserts.

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

Dave Rockwell
Second Motion:

Martin Jordan
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 1/09/25 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

Martin Jordan
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

VFC Campbell-Heroux

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

New location for meetings located in St. Petersburg at The Hub Maritime Defense Center.

Flotilla 72 October 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:



☐ In Person

☑ Virtual

☐ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☒ CS ☒ HR ☐ MS ☒ OP ☒ PE ☐ VE ☒
VFC ☒ CA ☒ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☒ PV ☒
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☐ MA ☒ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☒

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

Guests, including potential members: Sydney Tritshker.

SECTION III Minutes of last meeting 9/24




☒ Approved

☐ Not Approved

Quorum Present
SECTION IV Financial Report (06 / 2024)

Discussed ☑ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☐
Flotilla's finances remain good. Dues Collections in progress. No further updates.
No Financial Report Available.

SECTION V Old Business

Cathy Campbell-Heroux, Martin Jordan and Sean Buckmaster will be up for election in November.
Temporary Radio Tower nearing completion; should be in service in September.
Deadline to submit letter of intent for flotilla elections is September 9; Elections to be held November.

SECTION VI New Business

Dave Rockwell proposed $4000 dollars to be used and set aside for Hurricane recovery fund. Seconded by Sean Buckmaster. Motion to approve July and August minutes by Don Gerbert. Seconded by Greg Lawson. Motion passed.
Congratulations was presented to Dean Hoskin for achieving promotion within auxiliary.
Discussed inventory of ODU’s, district wide. For those who lost uniforms in hurricane.
Discussed repairs for Aux Building such as refurbishing building: flooring, tiles, drywall. Likely to cost
Some radio towers were placed and could be tested if power is restored
Registered for Marine science festival on Saturday Feb 8th 2025

Flotilla Fall Fix-up scheduled for Saturday, Sept 14 was discussed.
FC Hornby would like new tables for building, to be voted on when quorum present.

SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

December meeting will be designated as holiday party.
New meeting location for future meetings until AUX building is restored.

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

Lewis Evans
Second Motion:

Martin Jordan
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 11/07/24 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

Sterling Stewart
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FC Gordon Hornby

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

New location for meetings located in St. Petersburg at Michael Spytek’s office.

Flotilla 72 September 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☐ Yes

☑ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☒ CS ☒ HR ☐ MS ☒ OP ☐ PE ☐ VE ☐
VFC ☒ CA ☒ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☒ PV ☐
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☐ MA ☒ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☐

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

Guests, including potential members: Debra Cameron; Kaye Gordon; Gary Haas; Dionne Del Signore; Brian Wicoxson; Sydney Tritshker.

SECTION III Minutes of last meeting 7/24




☐ Approved

☒ Not Approved

No Quorum - Low member attendance
SECTION IV Financial Report (06 / 2024)

Discussed ☑ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☐
Flotilla's finances remain good. Dues Collections in progress.

SECTION V Old Business

Temporary Radio Tower nearing completion; should be in service in September.
Deadline to submit letter of intent for flotilla elections is September 9; Elections to be held November 7

SECTION VI New Business

Award was presented to Bill Ackerman for achieving AuxOp status.
Flotilla Fall Fix-up scheduled for Saturday, Sept 14 was discussed.
FC Hornby would like new tables for building, to be voted on when quorum present.

SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

IPFC Jack Lee discussed his work volunteering with the Coast Guard Investigative Unit to find and educate unlicensed UPV operators. FSO-MT Martin Jordan discussed new Suicide Prevention training requirement
SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

FSO-HR: Several new members in process; 6 prospective members attended meeting.
FSO-CS: Website minutes will now be up for one year on a rolling basis month by month.
FC: PE under Jim Fogle will teach boating safety to Wonded Warriors in October at FWC facility since they are handicapped accessible; auxiliairists will provide lunch. 15-20 expected attendance. PE has 8-10 students per class.
FSO-CM: Coast Guard is donating concrete block to use as base for radio antenna; will still need to purchase brackets - less than $500.

Upcoming meeting: Shipmate Michael Spytek to speak on Marine Satellite Communications in October; SHipmate Tony Hooper to present on proper uniform wear.
December meeting will be designated as holiday party.
SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

Bob Witty
Second Motion:

Mike Lacey
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 10/03/24 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

FVC Campbell-Heroux
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FC Gordon Hornby

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

Flotilla 72 August 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☐ CS ☒ HR ☐ MS ☒ OP ☒ PE ☒ VE ☒
VFC ☒ CA ☒ DV ☐ IS ☐ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☒
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☐ MA ☐ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☒

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

Charles Lambeth, Auxiliary Unit Coordinator for CleaMater Airstation; Potential new members Katy Bloom and Kaye Gordon

SECTION III Minutes of last meeting 7/24




☐ Approved

☐ Not Approved

No vote. Flotilla had no meeting in July (Meeting date coincided with Independence Day Holiday).
SECTION IV Financial Report (06 / 2024)

Discussed ☑ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☑
Flotilla continues to be in good financial shape. Annual dues collection ($85) has begun. Appreciation for the many members who have already paid.

SECTION V Old Business

Updates on tower progress; discussions regarding uniform inspections.
SECTION VI New Business

Flotilla Elections Committee: Jack Lee, Chair; Amy McPherson & Alice Williams. Letters of intent to stand for election must b€ submitted by September 8; Flotilla elections to be held at November meeting (Nov 7).

Upcoming meetings: Member Michael Spytek to speak about Marine Satellite Communications in September; City Councilwoman Gina Driscoll has be€n invited for October to speak about marine safety; Pinellas County Emergency team presentation for November meeting.
SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

Guest speaker (& Flotilla member) Garrett Hendrickson spoke about his duties as a Coast Guard Helicopter pilot at Clearwater Air Station and the station's area of responsibility and missions.
SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

FSO-HR: Alice Williams will hold a new member applicant "signing party" at the Flotilla building on Saturday, August 4th.
Reminder to submit 7029s to FSO-IS Martin Jordan.
FSO-IS: Sent updates regarding upcoming training opportunities.
FSO-PA: John Madrill noted that our Flotilla has been invited to participate with the local Coast Guard Exchange for a sales event in early December.

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

L Barnard
Second Motion:

Dave Rockwell
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 09/05/24 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

FC Campbell-Heroux
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

SR Sterling Stewart

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

FSO-PV Glenn Dobos distributed "Preparing Your Boat for Hurricane Season" flyer's which were created by Pinellas County's Emergency Management team.

Flotilla 72 June 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☐ AS ☐ CS ☒ HR ☒ MS ☐ OP ☒ PE ☐ VE ☐
VFC ☒ CA ☒ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☒
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☐ MA ☐ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☒

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

Guest: Captain Ben Marshall- Captain Ben Marshall given certificate of appreciation. Given an additional award for partners, Deborah

Member Roll Call Below
SECTION III Minutes of last meeting 5/24


Martin Jordan

James Fogle

☑ Approved

☐ Not Approved

Posted on F-72 Web Site All Minutes approved for last 4 months.
SECTION IV Financial Report (06 / 2024)

Discussed ☑ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☑
FSO-FN: Gave a Financial Report. Disucssed finances for the moth, as well as the event hosted last month.
SECTION V Old Business

Continued discussion regarding the radio tower. Continued in Section VIII.
SECTION VI New Business

Change in FSO-HR: Handing over position to Alice Williams and was sworn in.
Commander issued various awards.
Quorum present and moved by Dave Rockwell and Second by Daon Gerhart to approve Feb, March, and April minutes.
Dan Helou presented on Operation Dry Water. Links will be sent out. Operation Dry Water stands for no drinking while on the water. Enhanced outreach weekend, using public speaking and social media to spread awareness for sober boating and the dangers for boating while intoxicated.
SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

FSO-MT Martin Jordan gave a safety demonstration and presentation on how to properly use the defibrilator.
SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

FSO-CM: Radio tower report. Putting up a temporary antenna, possibly two. The radio tower, which was free, will be disposed of.
Mobile one is not currently working. Looking into getting TCO class in July. Book portion will be on Zoom in the evenings. Email will be sent when more information is available.
FSO-MT/IS: AUX DATA will be given a new front page for the program to make it easier to login and find information. VE safety check decals not in by June 30th will not be included.
FSO-HR: 20 people have expressed interest in the Flotilla. Organized a signing party for June 17th and 19th for the people who are in the application process to check them and make sure they get submitted properly

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

D Rockwell
Second Motion:

RT Wagoneray Rau
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 08/01/24 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

SR Sterling Stewart
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FVC C Campbell-Heroux

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

FSO-SR Roll Call 070-07-02 June 6. 2024
Mr. Dave Rockwell
Mrs. Cathy Campbell-Heroux
Mr. Martin Jordan
Mr. Klepacki
Miss Sterling Stewart
Mr. Jack Lee
Mr. Dick Risk
Mr. Jim Fogle
Mr. Tony Hooper
Mr. Buckmaster
Mr. Daniel Helou
Mr. Michael Lacey
Mr. John Madrill
Mr. Chase
Mr. Evans
Mr. Tyler Wagoner
Mr. Don Gerhart
Mr. Ackerman
Ms. Alice Williams
Ms. Kelli English
Mr. Richard Gerhart
Mr. Bob Witty
Mr. Ben Marshall
Mr. Spytek
Ms. Deborah Cameron

Mr. Fogle gave a presenation introduction on Mr. Dick Risk. He served honorably in the United States Air Force and served in the Vietnam War. He has been in the Auxiliary for 14 years and has achieved multiple positions. In honor of this meeting falling on the 80th aniversary of D-Day, Mr. Risk gave a presentation honoring the men who served on that day. He shared a video on the Matchbox Fleet.

Flotilla 72 May 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☐ CS ☐ HR ☐ MS ☒ OP ☒ PE ☐ VE ☒
VFC ☒ CA ☒ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☒
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☒ MA ☒ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☐

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

DCAPT - West; DVC-VT; DCDR; VCDR; Member guests: Ruth Berry; Joe Hanrahan; Guests interested in membership: Katy Bloom; Emma Pedersen. Guest Speaker: Peter Clark, Tampa Bay Watch
SECTION III Minutes of last meeting (N/A)




☐ Approved

☐ Not Approved

No vote taken on previous minutes.
SECTION IV Financial Report (04 / 2024)

Discussed ☑ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☐
Flotilla finances remain strong.
SECTION V Old Business

Uniform inspections took place; updates on radio tower. Uniform inspections will continue at each meeting; once a member has passed an intital unfiorm inspection, additional inspections are not needed.
On behalf of our FSO-PA John Madril, VFC reported on the sales event at the Coast Guard Exchange in April. The event was successful from our perspective as well as the Exchange - we distributed "scratch-off" tickets for an upcoming Mem Day Sale.
SECTION VI New Business

Two members were specially honored. Jim Fogle received the President's Volunteer Service Award for Lifetime Achievement in the area of teaching rereational boating and safety. This is a rare honor issued from the Office of the President of the United States of America and was presented by our DCAPT, DVC-VT, DCDR & VCDR. In addition, we reported on a CGAux citation honoring member Barry Porter for his 65 years as member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Mayor of the City of St Petersburg issued a proclamation for Safe Boating Week: our FC, VFC, and IPFC as well as USCG Capt Kahle accepted the proclamation at the City Council meeting earlier the same day.
SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

Peter Clark, President and Founder of Tampa Bay Watch, made an excellent presentation of TBW's successes and failures to improve our waterways for cleaner water, better fishing and overall Bay enjoyment.
SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

FC Hornby reminded members that we will NOT have a Flotilla Meeting in July 2024. The regular meeeting date would have been on the 4th of July.
SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

Jim Fogle
Second Motion:

Ray Rau
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 06/04/24 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

C Campbell-Heroux
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FC Hornby

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

New Business continued: FSO-VE Gregg Lawson discussed National Safe Boating Week and encouraged members to distribute our "yard signs" in appropriate locations.
Training topic continued: Several Flotilla members are also members of Tampa Bay Watch. Some members suggested that we could volunteer as a flotilla to participate in upcoming TBW citizen scientist events and activities (TBW is a non-profit organization).

Flotilla 72 April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☐ CS ☐ HR ☐ MS ☒ OP ☒ PE ☐ VE ☐
VFC ☒ CA ☐ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☒
IPFC ☐ CM ☒ FN ☐ MA ☐ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☒

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

Additional Attendees Present: Family members and friends of Flotilla 72.
SECTION III Minutes of last meeting (N/A)



☐ Approved

☑ Not Approved

SECTION IV Financial Report (N/A)

Discussed ☒ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☐

FSO-FN present. Financial Report not available due to celebration of Flotilla 72 winning Flotilla of the year
SECTION V Old Business

No Old Business discussed again due to Flotilla 72 celebration.
SECTION VI New Business

FC passed out a number of Certificates to members who achieved such recognition and were present. FC made announcements and celebrated several Flotilla members who have served the Flotilla for 5-30 years. FC announced New Members breakfast on April 20th at 0900.FC Thanked everyone for making 72 the best!
SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

No training topics were presented as Flotilla 72 celebrated Flotilla of the year award.
SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

FC: Announced and handed out awards to Flotilla members
FSO-MT: Thanked Flotilla 72 and members for helping Flotilla in being awarded Flotilla of the Year
John Madrill cooked Paella for the entire Flotilla and a celebration ensued!

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

David Rockwell
Second Motion:

Mr. Dobos
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 05/02/2024 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

FSO-SR Sterling Stewart
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FC Hornby, VFC-Campbell-Heroux

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

Flotilla 72 March 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☐ CS ☐ HR ☐ MS ☐ OP ☐ PE ☐ VE ☒
VFC ☒ CA ☐ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☐
IPFC ☒ CM ☒ FN ☒ MA ☐ NS ☒ PB ☐ SR ☐

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

DCAPT-West Dan Helou; DCDR Dean Hoskins; VDCR Tony Hooper; Guest Speaker: Shanel Kelly Chief of the Center for Development and Civic Engagement at the Bay Pines' Veterans Administration and her aide Cody Johnson
SECTION III Minutes of last meeting (N/A)



☐ Approved

☑ Not Approved

SECTION IV Financial Report (03 / 2024)

Discussed ☒ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☐

Financial Health of Flotilla remains strong.
SECTION V Old Business

Whistle Purchase in progress
Progress report on Radio Tower
AED Purchase discussion
UNiform Inspections will begin in May
Announcement - Eckerd College Yard Sale March 16

SECTION VI New Business

Congratulations to Mike Lacey for achieving BQ status
April Meeting will be celebration of District Flotilla of the Year for 2023
Peter Clark from Tampa Bay Watch will present at May meeting
Sector Training in Clearwater to be held March 23
Exchange Sale event to take place April 27th

SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

FSO-DV Alice Williams presented historical lesson on SPARs - women who served in the Coast Guard during WWII - Semper Paratus Always Ready
SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

Radio Tower progression continues at slow pace.

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

David Rockwell
Second Motion:

Don Gerhart
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 04/04/2024 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

C Campbell-Heroux
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FC Hornby

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

Flotilla 72 February 2024 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Unit Name:

St. Petersburg

No.of Attendees:

Unit Number:



☑ Regular

☐ Special

Time Called to Order:


Meeting Location:

1300 Beach Drive SE
St. Petersburg, Fl 33701


☐ In Person

☐ Virtual

☑ Hybrid

Quorum Present:

☑ Yes

☐ No


SECTION I Unit Officers Present:


FC ☒ AS ☒ CS ☒ HR ☒ MS ☐ OP ☒ PE ☐ VE ☐
VFC ☒ CA ☐ DV ☒ IS ☒ MT ☒ PA ☐ PV ☒
IPFC ☐ CM ☒ FN ☐ MA ☐ NS ☐ PB ☐ SR ☒

SECTION II Additional Attendees Present
Auxiliarists, Guests, Active Duty, etc.

Additional Attendees Present: Eckerd College SAR Team (Ryan Dilkey, Doug Snider, Josh Wallace, Kyle S. Luke B) DCAP-Dan Helou.
SECTION III Minutes of last meeting (12 / 2023)


Dave Rockwell

Bob Witty

☑ Approved

☐ Not Approved

Posted on F-72 Website.
SECTION IV Financial Report (N/A)

Discussed ☒ Monthly Balance Sheet Attached ☒

FSO-FN Not present. Financial Report not available
SECTION V Old Business

Whistle Purchase discussed.
Radio tower ($500.00) The new radio tower would be a total cost of $500.00
SECTION VI New Business

FSO-MT Conducted a brief demonstration of a Defibrillator for Flotilla. Discussion held and tabled until it is determined the the USCG has a type that they require or use.
FC passed out a number of Certificates to members who achieved such recognition and were present.
FC Discussed the FOY and April meeting will be an appreciation night. Guests are invited and no business will be conducted. Civilian attire for attendance. FC Thanked everyone for making 72 the best!
SECTION VII Unit Training Topics Presented

FSO-MT presented a short class on the 7029 Forms and their submission.
FSO-DV presented on the John Witherspoon.

SECTION VIII Condensed Versions of Reports

FC: Presentation and training on knot tying.
FSO-DV: Presentation on John Witherspoon in honor the start of Black History Month.
FSO-VE: Covered vessel exams preformed on Gasparilla.
FSO-MT: Covered explanation on new defibrillator for Flotilla, as well as the total cost of ~$600.

SECTION IX Meeting Adjournement and Next Meeting Date:


Motion to Adjourn:

Ray Rau
Second Motion:

Martin Jordan
Time Adjourned:

Next Meeting Date and Time Date: 03/07/2024 Time: 19:00
Person Submitting Report:

FSO-SR Sterling Stewart
Date Submitted:

Report Submitted to:

FC Hornby, VFC Campbell

SECTION X Continuation Sheets 1 and 2

Flotilla 72 January 2024 Meeting Minutes

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

Flotilla 72 Meeting

4 January 2024 

Meeting was called to order at 1900 hours.

Officers Present:

FC – Hornby, G., VFC – Campbell-Heroux, CM - Chase, H., MS - McPherson, A., PV - Dobos, G, FN – Lee, J., PE/MA - Adkins, T., PA - J. Madrill 

Pledge of Allegiance: Group

Quorum: A quorum was obtained for this meeting. 22 total attendees in person and Zoom.

Guests and New Members: FSO Lay Chaplain, Alice Williams, Sean Buckmaster (Transferring to our flotilla), New Members without Numbers: Tyler Wagoner.

Prior Meeting Minutes: Motion by Glenn Dobos to approve, Second by Gregg Lawson. Minutes Approved.

Presentation: None

Financial Report: Members of Audit Committee selected: Glenn Dobos, Michael Spytek, Lou Curcio. The flotilla is in a good financial position.

Swear In: None.

Awards and Recognition: None

Officer Reports

Flotilla membership as of 01/04/2024: 76 members, 6 new members awaiting, numbers, 3 transfers into the flotilla.

Flotilla 7-2 recorded 17,156 hours of service in 2024. This was an increase of 41% over the hours recorded in 2023. Thanks to Martin Jordan, FSO-IS, for encouraging and helping members record their hours.

FSO-VE reported on upcoming VSCs in conjunction with St. Pete Yacht Club Jan 27 atg two locations - Pass A Grille and Snell Island.

Announcement regarding HR workshop at our Flotilla building on Jan 20, how to workshop on filling out/completing new paperwork for members.

Discussion that we need more operational facilities to meet boat crew demand.

Radio room tower discussion - several members trying to move project forward with FAA and Coast Guard Gold side.

Discussed purchasing whistles for distribution during VSC's and PE events - whistles would advertise safety classes.

Discussed purchasing a defibrillator for the flotilla building. Martin Jordan and Gordon Hornby to pursue. 

Old Business:

None discussed. FC Gordon Hornby thanked all involved for Holiday Party participation and merry making.

New Business:

FC and VFC for 2024 were sworn in, as were all FSO's who were present at the meeting. 

Discussion about  re-invigorating Color Guard with Brandon Floitilla (7-4); they have the color guard equipment.

Discussion about activities that members would like to see in 2024; training, speakers, volunteer activities. Agreed to discuss further at FSO Planning meeting later on this month. 

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Lou Curcio, Second by Ray Rau. The meeting adjourned at 20:28.

Flotilla 72 December 2023 Meeting Minutes

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

Flotilla 72 Meeting

7 December 2023 

Meeting was called to order at 1800 hours.

Officers Present:

FC – Hornby, G., VFC – Campbell-Heroux, CM - Chase, H., MS - McPherson, A., PV - Dobos, G, FN – Lee, J., PE/MA - Adkins, T., PA - J. Madrill 

Pledge of Allegiance: Group

Guests and New Members: Auxiliarists actively transferring into Flotilla 72: Alice Williams, Sean Buckmaster. In addition there were 8 guests of members at this meeting.

No business was conducted at this meeting.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Dave Rockwell, Second by Jim Fogle. The meeting adjourned at 19:10.