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Boating Safety Class pic 

FLOTILLA 10-06 offers a variety of public education boating courses
including those that satisfy the NC boating education requirement
plus advanced courses to take your boating skills to a new level. 


If you have a place you would like to have a course, we will come to you!

See Contact Us! to ask for more details.


ABS Course logo



 About Boating Safely

There will be a one-day class offered on various Saturdays  (depending on demand) and at various places. This is a good beginner's course as well as a refresher.  Includes introduction to boating, boating laws, safety equipment, navigation aids, trailering, storing, and protecting your boat and much more.Cost is $35 (with reduced rate for members of same household).

 NEXT CLASS:  May 3rd at Sector North Carolina office. 

721 Medical Center Drive, Starting at 0800. Use  'Contact Us!' link for details.


 BS&S Book Cover

Click for more info 

 Boating Skills & Seamanship

Take it to the next level

9 Sessions Per Course
TBD by demand

Call to get your name on the list.

NC Mandatory Education and Age Law 

" Learn from the Experts"

Auxiliary Logo

For more information or to sign up for classes
   please contact Flotilla 10-06  at:
[email protected]


boat crashed